About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University. I am part of the Data-Intensive Systems Group.

My research spans a variety of topics related to the use of Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing. Currently, my main research interest lies in the area of Information Extraction (IE). I am particularly interested in linking the information in text to Knowledge Bases and leveraging the external knowledge sources to improve the performance of IE tasks.


P. Zhang, C. Cao, K. Zaporojets, P. Groth, CYCLE: Cross-Year Contrastive Learning in Entity-Linking, in Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: CIKM 2024 (Boise, United States). [ Code ]

V. Kougia, A. Sedova, A.J. Stephan, K. Zaporojets, B. Roth, Analysing zero-shot temporal relation extraction on clinical notes using temporal consistency, in Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing: BioNLP-WS 2024 co-located with EMNLP 2024 (Miami, Florida). [ Code ]

Y. Xia, K. Zaporojets, B. Roth, What to do if language models disagree? Black-box model ensembling for textual and visual question answering (2024 preprint), [ Dataset and code ]

S. Javadi, A. Moradan, M. Sorkhpar, K. Zaporojets, D. Mottin, I. Assent, Wiki Entity Summarization Benchmark (2024 preprint), [ Dataset and code ]

S. Kiros Bitew, V. Schelstraete, K. Zaporojets, K. Van Nieuwenhove, R. Meganck, C. Develder, Personality Style Recognition via Machine Learning: Identifying Anaclitic and Introjective Personality Styles from Patients’ Speech, Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, Vol. 13, 01 March. 2024.

K. D’Oosterlinck, F. Remy, J. Deleu, T. Demeester, C. Develder, K. Zaporojets, A. Ghodsi, S. Ellershaw, J. Collins and C. Potts, BioDEX: Large-Scale Biomedical Adverse Drug Event Extraction for Real-World Pharmacovigilance, in Findings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 (Singapore). [ BioDEX dataset and code ]

Y. Jiang, K. Zaporojets, J. Deleu, T. Demeester, C. Develder, CookDial: a dataset for task-oriented dialogs grounded in procedural documents, Applied Intelligence, 2023. [ CookDial dataset and code ]

K. Zaporojets, L.A. Kaffee, J. Deleu, T. Demeester, C. Develder, I. Augenstein, TempEL: Linking Dynamically Evolving and Newly Emerging Entities, in Proceedings of the NeurIPS Datasets and Benchmarks Track 2022 [ TempEL dataset and code ]

K. Zaporojets, J. Deleu, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Towards Consistent Document-Level Entity Linking: Joint Models for Entity Linking and Coreference Resolution, in Proceedings of the ACL 2022 (oral presentation) (Dublin, Ireland) [ poster | code and AIDA+ dataset | video ]

S. Verlinden*, K. Zaporojets*, J. Deleu, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Injecting knowledge base information into end-to-end joint entity and relation extraction and coreference resolution, in Findings of the ACL: ACL-IJCNLP 2021 (Online Event) 1-6 Aug. 2021. (* equal contribution) [ poster | code | video ]

K. Zaporojets, J. Deleu, C. Develder and T. Demeester, DWIE: an entity-centric dataset for multi-task document-level information extraction, Information Processing and Management, Vol. 158, No. 4, Jul. 2021. [ DWIE dataset and code ]

K. Zaporojets, G. Bekoulis, J. Deleu, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Solving Arithmetic Word Problems by Scoring Equations with Recursive Neural Networks, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 174, 15 Jul. 2021. [ code ]

Y. Jiang, K. Zaporojets, J. Deleu, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Recipe Instruction Semantics Corpus (RISeC): Resolving Semantic Structure and Zero Anaphora in Recipes in Proc. 1st Conf. Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Assoc. Comput. Linguist. and 10th Int. Joint Conf. Natural Lang. Processing (AACL-IJCNLP 2020), Online, 4-7 Dec. 2020, pp. 821-826. [ dataset ]

S.K. Bitew, G. Bekoulis, J. Deleu, L. Sterckx, K. Zaporojets, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Predicting suicide risk from online postings in Reddit: The UGent-IDLab submission to the CLPysch 2019 Shared Task A, in Proc. 6th Ann. Workshop on Comput. Ling. Clin. Psychol. (CLPsych 2019) at NAACL-HLT 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 6 Jun. 2019, pp. 158-161.

K. Zaporojets, L. Sterckx, J. Deleu, T. Demeester and C. Develder, Predicting psychological health from childhood essays: The UGent-IDLab CLPsych 2018 shared task system, in Proc. 5th Ann. Workshop on Comput. Ling. Clin. Psychol. (CLPsych 2018) at NAACL-HLT 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, 5 Jun. 2018, pp. 119-125.

